You tube changed ad rules

You're referring to the recent changes to YouTube's ad policies!

Yes, YouTube has made several changes to its ad policies in recent times, aimed at improving the overall user experience and ensuring that ads are displayed in a way that is respectful and relevant to viewers. Here are some of the key changes:

  1. New Ad Placement Rules: YouTube has introduced new rules for ad placement, which aim to reduce the number of ads displayed before, during, and after videos. The goal is to make ads more relevant and less intrusive.
  2. Ad Frequency Capping: To reduce ad fatigue, YouTube has introduced ad frequency capping, which limits the number of ads a viewer sees from the same advertiser or ad network.
  3. Ad Relevance: YouTube has emphasized the importance of ad relevance, ensuring that ads are displayed to users who are most likely to be interested in the product or service being advertised.
  4. Ad Content Guidelines: YouTube has updated its ad content guidelines to prohibit ads that are misleading, deceptive, or promote harmful products or services.
  5. Ad Targeting: YouTube has introduced new ad targeting options, such as interest-based targeting and behavioral targeting, to help advertisers reach their target audience more effectively.
  6. Ad Transparency: YouTube has increased transparency around ad placement, allowing users to see which ads are being displayed and why.
  7. Ad Blocking: YouTube has introduced ad blocking features, allowing users to block ads from specific domains or advertisers.
  8. Ad Revenue Sharing: YouTube has changed its ad revenue sharing model, giving creators more control over their ad revenue and allowing them to earn more money from their content.

These changes are aimed at improving the overall user experience on YouTube, while also providing more opportunities for creators to monetize their content.