Will premier league 3pm games be on uk tv because of coronavirus

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Premier League has made some changes to its broadcast schedule for the 2020-21 season. While the Premier League has not completely ruled out broadcasting 3pm kick-offs on UK TV, there are some restrictions in place.

Historically, 3pm kick-offs on Saturdays in the Premier League have been subject to a blackout in the UK, meaning they are not broadcast live on TV. This is due to a long-standing agreement between the Premier League, the Football Association, and the Sports Council, which aimed to protect the attendance figures at matches.

However, in response to the pandemic, the Premier League has relaxed its broadcast restrictions to allow for more matches to be shown live on TV. While 3pm kick-offs are still not broadcast live on traditional TV channels, some matches may be shown on online platforms or delayed broadcasts.

Here are the current arrangements for Premier League 3pm kick-offs on UK TV:

  1. Online streaming: Some 3pm kick-offs may be streamed live on the Premier League's official website and app, as well as on other online platforms like Sky Sports and BT Sport.
  2. Delayed broadcasts: Some 3pm kick-offs may be broadcast on TV at a later time, usually in the evening or on Sunday mornings.
  3. Highlights packages: TV channels like Sky Sports and BT Sport may show highlights packages of 3pm kick-offs, including goals, key moments, and post-match interviews.

It's worth noting that the Premier League has not committed to broadcasting all 3pm kick-offs on UK TV, and the decision to show a particular match will depend on various factors, including the teams involved, the match's importance, and the availability of broadcast slots.

To stay up-to-date with the latest broadcast schedules and arrangements, I recommend checking the Premier League's official website, as well as the websites of your preferred TV channels (Sky Sports, BT Sport, etc.).