Why nigeria must resist moroccos move to join ecowas arcan

I apologize, but I think there may be some confusion or misinformation here.

Firstly, Morocco is not planning to join ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States). ECOWAS is a regional economic organization that comprises 15 West African countries, and Morocco is not a member of this organization.

Secondly, there is no such thing as "ECOWAS ARCAN". ECOWAS is a well-established regional organization, and I couldn't find any information on an organization called "ECOWAS ARCAN".

Lastly, even if Morocco were to express interest in joining ECOWAS, it would be up to the member states of ECOWAS to decide whether to accept or reject its membership bid. Nigeria, as a member state of ECOWAS, would have a say in this decision-making process, but it would not be able to "resist" Morocco's move to join ECOWAS as it is not a feasible or realistic scenario.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to ask!