What are news values

News values are the criteria used by journalists and news organizations to determine what stories are newsworthy and worth reporting. These values are often subjective and can vary depending on the context, culture, and audience. Here are some common news values:

  1. Impact: How significant is the story? Will it affect a large number of people or have a significant impact on society?
  2. Uniqueness: Is the story unusual or unexpected? Does it break new ground or challenge conventional wisdom?
  3. Proximity: Is the story local or relevant to the audience's community? Does it affect people in the same region or city?
  4. Prominence: Is the story about a well-known person, organization, or institution? Does it involve a prominent figure or a high-profile event?
  5. Human interest: Does the story involve human drama, emotion, or personal stories? Does it appeal to people's emotions or sense of empathy?
  6. Conflict: Is there a conflict or controversy involved in the story? Does it involve opposing views or interests?
  7. Timeliness: Is the story time-sensitive? Does it have a deadline or a limited window of relevance?
  8. Novelty: Is the story new or unusual? Does it offer a fresh perspective or a new angle on a familiar topic?
  9. Relevance: Is the story relevant to the audience's interests or concerns? Does it address a pressing issue or problem?
  10. Sensationalism: Is the story shocking, surprising, or attention-grabbing? Does it have the potential to attract a large audience or generate buzz?
  11. Authority: Is the story based on credible sources or expert opinions? Does it involve official statements or authoritative voices?
  12. Exclusivity: Is the story exclusive or has it been broken by the news organization? Does it offer a unique perspective or insight?

These news values are not mutually exclusive, and stories often involve multiple values. Journalists and news organizations use these values to prioritize stories, determine what to cover, and decide how to present the information to their audience.

It's worth noting that news values can vary across different cultures, media outlets, and formats. For example, a story that is considered newsworthy in one country or region may not be considered newsworthy in another. Additionally, the rise of social media and online news has changed the way news is consumed and prioritized, and news values may need to adapt to these changes.