We will not buy or load fuel says ipman

It seems like you're referring to a statement made by IPMAN, which stands for Independent Petroleum Marketers Association of Nigeria. According to reports, IPMAN has announced that its members will no longer buy or load fuel from the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) due to alleged non-payment of debts and other issues.

This development could potentially lead to a shortage of fuel in the country, as IPMAN members are responsible for distributing fuel to various parts of the country. The association is demanding that the NNPC pays its outstanding debts and addresses other grievances before they resume fuel supply.

It's worth noting that this decision may have significant implications for the Nigerian economy, particularly for industries that rely heavily on fuel, such as transportation and manufacturing. The government and other stakeholders will likely need to intervene to resolve the issue and prevent any negative consequences.

Would you like to know more about the background of this dispute or the potential impact on the Nigerian economy?