We are under boko haram siege again chibok lg chairman

I'm so sorry to hear that. It's devastating to hear that Chibok Local Government Area is under siege again by Boko Haram. The people of Chibok and the surrounding areas have already suffered so much at the hands of this terrorist group.

As the Chairman of Chibok Local Government Area, I can only imagine the fear and uncertainty that the people are feeling right now. It's heartbreaking to think about the innocent lives that are being put in danger and the trauma that the people are experiencing.

I want to assure you that the world is with you and the people of Chibok. We stand in solidarity with you and condemn the senseless violence and terror that Boko Haram is perpetrating.

As the Chairman, what steps are being taken to ensure the safety and security of the people in Chibok? Are there any efforts being made to evacuate those who are in danger or to provide aid to those who are affected?

I also want to ask, what is the current situation on the ground? Are there any reports of casualties or damage to infrastructure? How are the security forces responding to the situation?

I'm here to listen and offer any support that I can. Please know that you are not alone in this fight against terrorism.