Watch mom rushed to drive kids to school but forgot them at home

The classic "Mom forgot the kids at home" scenario! Here's a possible script:


Mom, JEN (30s), is frantically trying to get the kids to school on time. She's running late, and the kids are already supposed to be in class.

JEN: (to herself) Okay, okay, I can do this. I just need to get them to school...

As she's driving, she glances in the rearview mirror to check on the kids in the backseat. But instead of seeing their smiling faces, she's met with an empty seat.

JEN: (confused) Wait, where are they?

She looks around, thinking maybe they're just playing with their tablets or something. But there's no sign of them.

JEN: (panicked) Oh no, oh no, oh no...

She quickly pulls over to the side of the road and jumps out of the car.


She runs back to the house, hoping they're just playing outside or something. But when she gets to the front door, she realizes she left them inside.

JEN: (mortified) NOOOO!

She rushes back to the car, gets in, and starts driving back home. She's already running late, and now she's going to be even later.

JEN: (to herself) This is a disaster. I'm such a terrible mom.

As she's driving, she starts to think about all the things she could have done differently. She could have set multiple alarms, or made sure the kids were dressed and ready to go before leaving the house.

JEN: (to herself) Why did I do this? Why did I forget them?!

When she gets home, she rushes inside and finds the kids sitting on the couch, playing with their tablets.

KID 1: (excitedly) Mommy! We're playing a game!

JEN: (relieved) Oh, thank goodness you're okay! I'm so sorry, I forgot to bring you to school.

KID 2: (confused) What do you mean, Mommy? You said we were going to school.

JEN: (apologetically) I know, sweetie. I'm so sorry. I made a mistake.

The kids look at each other, confused and a little scared. Jen tries to explain what happened, but they just don't understand.

JEN: (frustrated) I know it's not an excuse, but I'm just really stressed out lately. And I'm sorry, okay?

The kids nod, but you can tell they're still a little shaken up.

JEN: (determined) Okay, let's get you guys dressed and ready to go. We'll make it to school, even if it's late.

As they're getting ready, Jen can't help but think about how this could have been avoided. She makes a mental note to double-check the kids before leaving the house from now on.