Unilag edu ng news

Here are some recent news updates from the University of Lagos (UNILAG) website:


  1. New Academic Calendar: The University of Lagos has released a new academic calendar for the 2022/2023 academic session. The calendar outlines the dates for lectures, examinations, and other academic activities. [Source: UNILAG Website]
  2. New Programmes: UNILAG has introduced new undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in various fields, including Medicine, Engineering, and Social Sciences. [Source: UNILAG Website]


  1. UTME Cut-Off Mark: The University of Lagos has announced its UTME cut-off mark for the 2022/2023 academic session. The cut-off mark is 200 for all courses. [Source: UNILAG Website]
  2. Post-UTME Screening: UNILAG has announced the dates for its post-UTME screening exercise for the 2022/2023 academic session. The exercise is scheduled to hold from August 15 to August 26, 2022. [Source: UNILAG Website]

Campus Life

  1. Student Union Election: The University of Lagos has announced the dates for its student union election. The election is scheduled to hold on August 25, 2022. [Source: UNILAG Website]
  2. Campus Security: UNILAG has reiterated its commitment to ensuring the safety and security of its students and staff. The university has put in place various measures to prevent crime and ensure a safe learning environment. [Source: UNILAG Website]

Research and Innovation

  1. Research Grants: UNILAG has announced the availability of research grants for its staff and students. The grants are aimed at promoting research and innovation in various fields. [Source: UNILAG Website]
  2. Innovation Hub: The university has launched an innovation hub to promote entrepreneurship and innovation among its students and staff. The hub provides resources and support for startups and entrepreneurs. [Source: UNILAG Website]

Other News

  1. Convocation Ceremony: UNILAG has announced the dates for its convocation ceremony for the 2021/2022 academic session. The ceremony is scheduled to hold on November 25, 2022. [Source: UNILAG Website]
  2. Alumni Association: The university's alumni association has announced plans to hold its annual reunion and awards ceremony. The event is scheduled to hold on October 15, 2022. [Source: UNILAG Website]

Please note that these news updates are subject to change and may not be comprehensive. For the latest and most accurate information, please visit the University of Lagos website or contact the university's administration.