Trump meeting with g 7 leaders after going on offensive

You're referring to the recent G7 summit where President Trump met with other world leaders after a series of tweets and comments that were perceived as going on the offensive.

Here's a brief summary of what happened:

Before the summit, President Trump tweeted about the European Union's trade policies, calling them "very unfair" and threatening to impose tariffs on European cars. He also criticized Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, saying that he was "very dishonest" and "weak."

This led to a backlash from other world leaders, including Trudeau, French President Emmanuel Macron, and British Prime Minister Theresa May, who expressed concern about Trump's comments and the potential impact on global trade and relations.

At the summit, Trump met with the other G7 leaders, including Trudeau, Macron, May, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. The meeting was marked by tense exchanges and disagreements on issues such as trade, climate change, and Iran.

Trump's comments and tweets during the summit were seen as going on the offensive, with some critics accusing him of being divisive and uncooperative. The meeting ended with a joint statement that was watered down to avoid controversy, and Trump left the summit early, skipping a closing news conference.

The aftermath of the summit has seen a deterioration in relations between the US and its allies, with some countries expressing disappointment and frustration at Trump's behavior. The incident has also raised concerns about the impact on global trade and the stability of the international order.

It's worth noting that Trump's approach to international diplomacy has been characterized by his use of Twitter and his willingness to challenge traditional diplomatic norms. While some have praised his willingness to take a tough stance on issues like trade, others have criticized his behavior as impulsive and divisive.