Timaya new mp3

Timaya is a popular Nigerian singer and songwriter, and he frequently releases new music. Here are some of his latest MP3s:

  1. "Cold Outside" (feat. Buju) - Released in 2022, this song is a fusion of Afrobeats and R&B.
  2. "Get My Money Right" - Another 2022 release, this song is a high-energy Afrobeats track with a catchy chorus.
  3. "Don Dada" (feat. Patoranking) - This song was released in 2021 and features a blend of Afrobeats and dancehall.
  4. "Take Everything" - This song was released in 2021 and is a soulful Afrobeats track with a focus on storytelling.
  5. "Gracious God" - This song was released in 2020 and is a gospel-inspired Afrobeats track with a powerful message.

You can find these songs on various music streaming platforms like:

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