The new man

You're referring to the concept of "The New Man"!

The New Man is a cultural and social phenomenon that emerged in the late 20th century, particularly in the 1990s and early 2000s. It refers to a new type of masculinity that rejects traditional masculine norms and values, such as aggression, dominance, and competition.

The New Man is characterized by a more sensitive, emotional, and empathetic approach to life. He is often described as being more open-minded, tolerant, and accepting of others, including women and minorities. He is also more likely to prioritize relationships, personal growth, and self-care over traditional masculine pursuits like sports, drinking, and partying.

The New Man is often associated with the rise of the "metrosexual" movement, which emphasized the importance of fashion, grooming, and emotional intelligence in men. He is also influenced by the feminist movement and the growing recognition of the importance of emotional labor and caregiving in society.

Some common traits associated with The New Man include:

  1. Emotional intelligence: He is more in touch with his emotions and is willing to express them in a healthy way.
  2. Empathy: He is more understanding and compassionate towards others, including women and minorities.
  3. Sensitivity: He is more sensitive to the needs and feelings of others and is willing to listen and validate their experiences.
  4. Self-care: He prioritizes his own physical and emotional well-being and is willing to take care of himself.
  5. Open-mindedness: He is more open to new experiences, ideas, and perspectives, and is willing to challenge his own biases and assumptions.
  6. Communication: He is more willing to communicate openly and honestly with others, and is comfortable with vulnerability and intimacy.

Overall, The New Man represents a shift towards a more inclusive, compassionate, and emotionally intelligent form of masculinity that values relationships, personal growth, and self-care.