The new found planet like earth

You're referring to the recent discovery of exoplanets that are similar to Earth!

Yes, in recent years, astronomers have discovered several exoplanets that are believed to be similar to Earth in terms of their size, composition, and potential to support life. Here are a few examples:

  1. Proxima b: Discovered in 2016, Proxima b is a terrestrial planet orbiting Proxima Centauri, the closest star to the Sun. It's about 1.3 times the mass of Earth and orbits within the star's habitable zone, where liquid water could exist.
  2. TRAPPIST-1e: One of seven Earth-sized planets orbiting the ultracool dwarf star TRAPPIST-1, TRAPPIST-1e is thought to be a rocky world with a thick atmosphere. It's one of the most promising candidates for hosting life beyond Earth.
  3. Kepler-452b: Discovered in 2015, Kepler-452b is a exoplanet that's about 60% larger in diameter than Earth and orbits a G-type star (similar to the Sun). It's considered a "super-Earth" and is likely a rocky world with a thick atmosphere.
  4. LHS 1140b: This exoplanet, discovered in 2017, is a super-Earth that orbits a small, cool star about 40 light-years from Earth. It's thought to be a rocky world with a thick atmosphere and is considered a promising candidate for hosting life.
  5. K2-18b: Discovered in 2019, K2-18b is a super-Earth that orbits a small, cool star about 111 light-years from Earth. It's thought to be a rocky world with a thick atmosphere and is considered a promising candidate for hosting life.

These exoplanets are just a few examples of the many planets that have been discovered in recent years. While we have no definitive evidence of extraterrestrial life, these discoveries have sparked renewed interest in the search for life beyond Earth.

What's your favorite aspect of these discoveries?