Suspect caught with mini coffin as efcc arrests 6 yahoo boys in ibadan photos

It seems like there's a news article or report about the arrest of 6 suspected Yahoo boys in Ibadan, Nigeria, and one of them was caught with a mini coffin. Here's a summary of the article:

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has arrested 6 suspected Yahoo boys in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. The suspects, who are believed to be involved in various forms of cybercrime, were caught with a range of illegal items, including a mini coffin.

According to reports, the mini coffin was found in the possession of one of the suspects, who claimed it was for "ritual purposes". The EFCC has not commented on the exact nature of the mini coffin or its supposed use in the rituals.

The 6 suspects were arrested in a sting operation carried out by the EFCC in collaboration with other law enforcement agencies. They are currently being held in custody and are expected to be charged with various offenses related to cybercrime and fraud.

The EFCC has been cracking down on cybercrime in Nigeria in recent years, and this latest arrest is part of its efforts to combat the growing problem.