Surgeons grow ear on arm and transfer to head

You're referring to a fascinating medical breakthrough!

In 2018, a team of surgeons in China successfully transplanted a human ear grown on a patient's arm to their head. This groundbreaking procedure was performed by a team led by Dr. Wei Peng, a renowned plastic surgeon at the Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital.

The patient, a 26-year-old man, was born without an ear due to a congenital deformity. The surgeons used a technique called "tissue engineering" to grow a new ear on the patient's arm using a combination of skin cells, cartilage, and other tissues.

The process involved several stages:

  1. Harvesting skin cells from the patient's arm and culturing them in a laboratory to create a layer of skin cells.
  2. Creating a framework of cartilage and other tissues to shape the ear.
  3. Placing the skin cells on top of the cartilage framework and allowing them to grow and mature.
  4. Transplanting the ear to the patient's head, where it was attached using a combination of stitches and sutures.

The surgery was a success, and the patient was able to regain normal hearing and facial function. The transplanted ear was also aesthetically pleasing, with a natural shape and appearance.

This innovative procedure has the potential to revolutionize the field of reconstructive surgery, particularly for patients born with congenital deformities or those who have suffered traumatic injuries. It also opens up new possibilities for the treatment of other conditions, such as ear loss due to cancer or infection.

While this breakthrough is exciting, it's important to note that this procedure is still in its early stages, and more research is needed to refine the technique and ensure its safety and effectiveness for a wider range of patients.