Sun breaker for roofing

A sun breaker for roofing refers to a type of roofing material or system that allows sunlight to pass through while still providing protection from the elements. Here are some common types of sun breakers for roofing:

  1. Skylights: Skylights are openings in the roof that allow natural light to enter a building. They can be installed in various shapes and sizes and are often used in residential and commercial buildings.
  2. Solar tubes: Solar tubes, also known as sun pipes or solar pipes, are tubular systems that capture sunlight and transmit it to the interior of a building through a reflective tube. They are often used in areas where traditional skylights are not feasible.
  3. Transparent roofing: Transparent roofing materials, such as glass or acrylic panels, allow sunlight to pass through while still providing protection from the elements. These materials are often used in greenhouses, conservatories, and other structures where natural light is desired.
  4. Fiberglass skylights: Fiberglass skylights are made from a combination of fiberglass and resin and are designed to provide natural light while still being durable and weather-resistant.
  5. Acrylic skylights: Acrylic skylights are made from a type of plastic called acrylic and are known for their clarity and durability. They are often used in residential and commercial buildings.
  6. Solar windows: Solar windows are a type of transparent roofing material that generates electricity while still allowing sunlight to pass through. They are often used in buildings where energy efficiency is a priority.
  7. Green roofs: Green roofs, also known as living roofs, are covered with vegetation and can provide natural light while also serving as a habitat for wildlife and reducing stormwater runoff.

When choosing a sun breaker for roofing, consider factors such as:

It's essential to consult with a professional roofing contractor or architect to determine the best sun breaker solution for your specific roofing needs.