Something about your love lyrics sg lewis

"Something About Your Love" is a song by British singer-songwriter SG Lewis, featuring vocals from British singer-songwriter JSPA. The song was released in 2020 as part of SG Lewis's debut album "times".

The lyrics of "Something About Your Love" are about the intoxicating feeling of being in love and the way it can make you feel alive. The song's protagonist is drawn to the person they're singing about, feeling an intense connection and sense of belonging.

Some of the lyrics that stand out include:

The song features a laid-back, atmospheric production, with a blend of indie-pop and electronic elements. The vocals are smooth and soulful, with JSPA's delivery adding a touch of vulnerability and intimacy to the lyrics.

Overall, "Something About Your Love" is a romantic and uplifting song that captures the thrill and excitement of falling in love.