Society breaking news in nigeria as at today

Here are some breaking news stories in Nigeria as of today:

1. Bandits Attack Zamfara Village, Kill 13 People: Bandits have attacked a village in Zamfara State, killing 13 people and injuring several others. The attack occurred in the early hours of the morning in the village of Kurya, in the Anka Local Government Area of the state. (Source: Vanguard)

2. Nigerian Army Kills 12 Boko Haram Terrorists in Borno: The Nigerian Army has killed 12 Boko Haram terrorists in a clearance operation in Borno State. The operation was carried out by troops of the 7 Division of the Nigerian Army in the early hours of the morning. (Source: Premium Times)

3. Fuel Scarcity Hits Lagos, Ogun, Oyo: Fuel scarcity has hit Lagos, Ogun, and Oyo states, with many filling stations in the three states running out of fuel. The scarcity is attributed to a shortage of foreign exchange and the closure of some refineries. (Source: Punch)

4. Nigerian Government to Launch National Digital Identity System: The Nigerian government is set to launch a national digital identity system, which will enable citizens to access various government services and benefits. The system is expected to be launched in the next few weeks. (Source: This Day)

5. Kaduna State Government to Establish New University: The Kaduna State Government has announced plans to establish a new university in the state. The university, which will be the 10th in the state, will be located in the Kagarko Local Government Area. (Source: Leadership)

6. Nigerian Stock Exchange Records N1.4 Trillion Loss: The Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) has recorded a loss of N1.4 trillion in the first quarter of the year. The loss is attributed to the decline in the value of some stocks on the exchange. (Source: The Guardian)

7. Police Arrest 15 Suspects Over Kidnapping of Kaduna Schoolgirls: The police have arrested 15 suspects in connection with the kidnapping of some schoolgirls in Kaduna State. The suspects were arrested in various parts of the state and are being held at the police headquarters in Kaduna. (Source: Daily Trust)

8. Nigerian Government to Launch New Agricultural Policy: The Nigerian government is set to launch a new agricultural policy, which aims to increase food production and reduce poverty in the country. The policy is expected to be launched in the next few weeks. (Source: The Nation)

These are some of the breaking news stories in Nigeria as of today. Please note that the accuracy and reliability of these stories cannot be guaranteed.