Security kwara govt proposes ids uniform for commercial motorcycle operators

It seems like you're referring to a recent news article or proposal from the Kwara State Government in Nigeria. Here's a summary of the article:

Title: Kwara Government Proposes IDs Uniform for Commercial Motorcycle Operators

Summary: The Kwara State Government has proposed a uniform identification system for commercial motorcycle operators in the state. The proposal aims to improve security and reduce crime rates in the state. According to the government, the uniform IDs will help identify and track commercial motorcycle operators, making it easier to monitor their activities and prevent criminal activities.

Key Points:

  1. The proposal was made by the Kwara State Government's Security Committee, which is responsible for ensuring the safety and security of citizens in the state.
  2. The uniform IDs will be issued to all commercial motorcycle operators in the state, including okada riders and keke NAPEP operators.
  3. The IDs will contain essential information such as the operator's name, address, and contact details.
  4. The government believes that the uniform IDs will help reduce crime rates in the state by making it easier to identify and track commercial motorcycle operators.
  5. The proposal is still pending approval from the state government, but it is expected to be implemented soon.


The proposal has received mixed reactions from the public. Some people have welcomed the idea, saying it will help improve security and reduce crime rates in the state. Others have expressed concerns about the feasibility of the proposal, citing issues such as the cost of implementing the system and the potential for abuse.


The proposal by the Kwara State Government to introduce a uniform ID system for commercial motorcycle operators is an attempt to improve security and reduce crime rates in the state. While the proposal has its advantages, it also raises concerns about the feasibility and potential abuse of the system. The government will need to carefully consider these concerns and ensure that the system is implemented in a way that benefits all stakeholders.