Ruggedman urges entertainers share problems

Ruggedman, a Nigerian rapper and entertainer, has taken to social media to urge his fellow entertainers to share their problems with the public. In a series of tweets, Ruggedman expressed his frustration with the tendency of many entertainers to keep their personal struggles private, while projecting a perfect image to the public.

"Entertainers, let's be real, we all got problems! Why do we always gotta pretend like everything is okay when it's not? Why do we always gotta put on a fake smile and pretend like we're living our best lives when we're actually struggling?" Ruggedman tweeted.

Ruggedman went on to say that by keeping their problems private, entertainers are not only hurting themselves but also their fans who look up to them as role models.

"We're not just entertainers, we're also role models. And by keeping our problems private, we're not only hurting ourselves but also our fans who look up to us. They need to know that even their favorite celebrities are not immune to struggles and challenges."

Ruggedman also urged entertainers to be more open and honest about their struggles, saying that it could help to break down the stigma surrounding mental health and other issues.

"Let's be real, mental health is a real issue. Let's be real, depression is a real issue. Let's be real, anxiety is a real issue. And by being open and honest about our struggles, we can help to break down the stigma surrounding these issues and help others to feel less alone."

Ruggedman's tweets have sparked a lot of conversation on social media, with many people agreeing with his sentiments and sharing their own struggles and experiences.

What do you think about Ruggedman's message? Should entertainers be more open and honest about their struggles, or is it better to keep their personal lives private?