Reps give former npa boss others seven days ultimatum over unaudited accounts

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a press release. Here's a possible summary:

The Reps (House of Representatives) has given a former NPA (Nigerian Ports Authority) boss, a seven-day ultimatum to submit unaudited accounts. The ultimatum was issued by the House Committee on Ports and Harbour, which is investigating the former NPA boss over alleged financial mismanagement and non-compliance with financial regulations.

The committee is seeking the unaudited accounts of the NPA during the former boss's tenure to determine the extent of the alleged financial mismanagement and to ensure that the authority's finances are properly accounted for. The committee has threatened to take further action if the former boss fails to comply with the ultimatum.

It's worth noting that the NPA is a critical agency responsible for the management of Nigeria's seaports, and any financial mismanagement or non-compliance with financial regulations could have serious consequences for the country's economy. The investigation is likely to be closely watched by the public and the media.