Recruitment palaver 4 slump in akwa ibom during exercise

It seems like you're referring to a recruitment exercise that was conducted in Akwa Ibom State, but unfortunately, there was a slump in the process. I'd be happy to help you understand what might have caused the slump and how to move forward.

Can you please provide more context or details about the recruitment exercise, such as:

  1. What type of recruitment was it (e.g., civil service, military, private sector)?
  2. What was the purpose of the exercise?
  3. How many people were involved or expected to participate?
  4. What was the nature of the slump (e.g., low turnout, technical issues, logistical challenges)?
  5. Are there any specific concerns or issues that you'd like to address?

Once I have a better understanding of the situation, I can offer some suggestions on how to overcome the slump and move forward with the recruitment process.