Publication spent 1 billion naira purchase vehicles appointees malicious kogi state govt

It appears that you're referring to a news article or report about the Kogi State Government in Nigeria. Here's a summary of the information you provided:

Here are some possible questions or follow-ups that could be explored:

  1. What was the purpose of purchasing the vehicles? Were they for official use or personal use by the appointees?
  2. Were the vehicles purchased through a competitive bidding process or was it a sole-sourced contract?
  3. What was the justification for spending such a large amount of money on vehicles when there are other pressing needs in the state?
  4. Have there been any investigations or audits conducted to determine the legitimacy of the purchase?
  5. How did the government respond to the criticism and allegations of malfeasance?

It's important to note that the accuracy of the information you provided is not verified, and it's possible that there may be more to the story.