Presidency justifies nia boss appointment denies dual nationality claim

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Presidency justifies NIA boss appointment

The presidency has defended the appointment of a new Director-General of the National Intelligence Agency (NIA), despite controversy surrounding the nominee's dual nationality claim.

Denies dual nationality claim

The presidency has denied allegations that the newly appointed NIA boss holds dual nationality, saying that the nominee has renounced his foreign citizenship and is a Nigerian citizen by birth.


The controversy surrounding the appointment of the NIA boss stems from allegations that the nominee holds dual nationality, which is a violation of the Nigerian constitution. The presidency has been under pressure to provide evidence that the nominee has renounced his foreign citizenship and is eligible to hold public office in Nigeria.

Presidential statement

In a statement, the presidency said that the nominee has provided all necessary documents to prove his Nigerian citizenship and has renounced his foreign citizenship. The presidency also stated that the nominee has undergone thorough background checks and has been cleared by relevant security agencies.


The controversy has sparked reactions from various quarters, with some calling for the nominee's appointment to be withdrawn pending further investigation. Others have defended the appointment, saying that the nominee has the necessary qualifications and experience to lead the NIA.

It's worth noting that the presidency's statement has not provided concrete evidence to support the nominee's renunciation of foreign citizenship, leading to further skepticism and calls for transparency. The controversy is likely to continue until the presidency provides more information to clear the air.