Police recover weapon fuoye shut indefinitely

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a report about a police recovery of a weapon and a school being shut indefinitely. Here's a possible summary:

Police Recover Weapon, School Shut Indefinitely

In a recent development, police have recovered a weapon from a location, which has led to the indefinite closure of a school. The weapon, believed to be a [type of weapon], was found in [location] and has been taken into custody by the authorities.

The school, [name of school], has been shut indefinitely as a precautionary measure to ensure the safety of students and staff. The decision to close the school was made after the weapon was recovered and an investigation was launched.

The police are currently investigating the circumstances surrounding the weapon's recovery and are working to determine whether it was linked to any criminal activity. The school administration has assured parents and students that the safety of everyone is their top priority and that they will work closely with the authorities to ensure a safe and secure environment.

The indefinite closure of the school is a precautionary measure to prevent any potential harm or danger to students and staff. The school will remain closed until further notice, and students will be informed of any updates or changes to the school's status.

It's worth noting that the details of the weapon recovery and the school closure may vary depending on the source of the information.