Petition launched by aa to rid gauteng of e tolls click to sign

It seems like you're interested in signing a petition to remove e-tolls in Gauteng, South Africa. Here's what I found:

The petition you're referring to is likely the one launched by the Automobile Association (AA) of South Africa to rid Gauteng of e-tolls. The petition aims to gather support from the public to pressure the government to scrap the e-toll system, which was introduced in 2013.

To sign the petition, you can follow these steps:

  1. Visit the AA's website at
  2. Click on the "Petitions" tab at the top of the page.
  3. Look for the "Scrap e-tolls in Gauteng" petition and click on it.
  4. Fill out the required information, including your name, email address, and contact details.
  5. Review the petition's details and terms of service.
  6. Click the "Sign now" button to submit your signature.

Please note that you may need to create an account on the AA's website or log in if you already have one. Additionally, be sure to review the petition's terms and conditions before signing.

Remember to share the petition with your friends and family to help gather more support for the cause!