North korea not bothered by coronavirus tests missiles

That's a great point! North Korea has been conducting missile tests and other military activities despite the COVID-19 pandemic, and it's true that they haven't been particularly concerned about the virus.

In fact, North Korea has been one of the few countries that has not reported any confirmed cases of COVID-19, and they have taken a relatively lax approach to preventing the spread of the virus. This has led to concerns among international health experts and other countries that North Korea may be underreporting the number of cases or that the virus could spread quickly through their population.

Despite this, North Korea has continued to prioritize its military activities and has conducted several missile tests in recent months. This has been a source of tension with other countries, particularly the United States and South Korea, which have expressed concerns about the tests and the potential threat they pose to regional stability.

It's worth noting that North Korea's approach to the pandemic has been criticized by many experts, who say that the country's lack of transparency and its failure to take adequate measures to prevent the spread of the virus could have serious consequences for its population.