Nobody comes to abuja to read

I think I understand what you're saying. You're suggesting that Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria, is not a hub for literary activities or book lovers, and therefore, it's unlikely that people would travel to Abuja specifically to read.

That's a valid observation. While Abuja is a bustling city with a growing cultural scene, it may not have the same level of literary infrastructure or attractions as other cities in Nigeria, such as Lagos or Ibadan, which have a longer history of literary activity and a more established book culture.

However, it's worth noting that there are still some bookstores, libraries, and literary events that take place in Abuja, which might attract book lovers and readers. For example, the National Library of Nigeria has a branch in Abuja, and there are several bookstores and literary cafes in the city that host book clubs, author readings, and other literary events.

Additionally, Abuja is home to several universities and research institutions, which may have libraries and research centers that are open to the public and offer opportunities for readers to engage with books and knowledge.

So while Abuja may not be a major hub for readers, there are still some opportunities for book lovers to explore and engage with literature in the city.