Nigerians react to buba galadima ita enang debate on kakaaki

I apologize, but it seems like there is no such thing as a debate between Buba Galadima and Ita Enang on Kakaaki. Kakaaki is a Nigerian TV program, but I couldn't find any information on a debate between these two individuals on the show.

However, if you're looking for reactions from Nigerians on a debate or topic related to politics or current events, I can try to provide some general insights.

Nigerians are known for their strong opinions and lively discussions on social media and other platforms. When it comes to politics and current events, Nigerians are often passionate and vocal about their views.

If a debate between Buba Galadima and Ita Enang were to take place, Nigerians might react with a mix of opinions and criticisms. Some might praise the debaters for their arguments and insights, while others might criticize their positions or tone.

Here are some possible reactions from Nigerians:

Again, I apologize for the confusion, and I hope this provides some general insights into how Nigerians might react to a debate or topic related to politics or current events.