News pic

You're looking for a news picture! Here are a few options:

  1. Google News Images: You can search for news images on Google using the following format: [your search query]. This will show you a selection of relevant news images from reputable sources.
  2. AP News: The Associated Press (AP) offers a vast collection of news images, which you can access through their website. Simply visit and click on the "Photos" tab.
  3. Getty Images: Getty Images is a leading provider of news and editorial images. You can search for news images on their website using the following format: [your search query].
  4. Reuters Pictures: Reuters offers a vast collection of news images, which you can access through their website. Simply visit and click on the "Pictures" tab.
  5. News agencies: Many news agencies, such as AFP, EPA, and Xinhua, also offer news images on their websites.

Remember to always verify the credibility and accuracy of the news images you find, especially when using search engines or third-party sources.