News headlines on education

Here are some recent news headlines on education:

Global Education

  1. "Global Education Spending Reaches Record High, But Inequality Persists" (The Guardian)
  2. "UN Warns of 'Lost Generation' as Global Education Crisis Deepens" (Al Jazeera)
  3. "New Report Highlights Gaps in Global Education, Calls for Increased Funding" (Education Week)

US Education

  1. "Biden Administration Proposes Major Overhaul of US Education System" (The New York Times)
  2. "US Education Secretary DeVos Resigns Amid Controversy Over Student Loans" (CNN)
  3. "New Study Finds Wide Racial Disparities in US Education, Calls for Reform" (The Washington Post)

Higher Education

  1. "College Enrollment Rates Plummet Amid Pandemic, Raising Concerns About Future Workforce" (The Wall Street Journal)
  2. "Online Learning Platforms Boom Amid Pandemic, But Quality Concerns Remain" (Forbes)
  3. "New Report Highlights Growing Concerns About Student Debt and Mental Health in Higher Ed" (Inside Higher Ed)

K-12 Education

  1. "New Study Finds US Students Lag Behind International Peers in Math and Reading" (The Atlantic)
  2. "Teachers' Unions and Administrators Clash Over Reopening Schools Amid Pandemic" (The New York Times)
  3. "New Report Highlights Growing Concerns About School Funding and Inequity" (Education Week)

Technology in Education

  1. "AI-Powered Tutoring Platforms Gain Popularity, But Raise Questions About Equity and Bias" (The Verge)
  2. "New Study Finds Online Learning Platforms Can Improve Student Outcomes, But Only for Some Students" (EdSurge)
  3. "Google and Microsoft Announce New Education Initiatives, Focusing on Accessibility and Equity" (EdTech Review)

Education Policy

  1. "New Study Finds Voucher Programs Can Harm Public Schools, Not Help Them" (The Washington Post)
  2. "Education Secretary DeVos Proposes New Rules for Special Education, Sparking Controversy" (The New York Times)
  3. "New Report Highlights Growing Concerns About Charter School Accountability and Transparency" (The Nation)

These are just a few examples of recent news headlines on education. There are many more stories and issues being covered in the education sector, and I hope this gives you a sense of some of the key topics and trends.