New york city land area

The land area of New York City (NYC) is approximately 302.6 square miles (783.8 square kilometers). This includes the five boroughs of:

  1. Manhattan: 23.7 square miles (61.4 square kilometers)
  2. Brooklyn: 71.0 square miles (184.2 square kilometers)
  3. Queens: 109.2 square miles (283.1 square kilometers)
  4. The Bronx: 42.4 square miles (109.9 square kilometers)
  5. Staten Island: 59.5 square miles (154.0 square kilometers)

It's worth noting that NYC is one of the most densely populated cities in the world, with a population of over 8.4 million people as of 2020. The city's land area is relatively small compared to its population, which is why it is often referred to as a "city that never sleeps".