New year prayers for myself

Here are some New Year's prayers you can say to yourself:

Reflection and Gratitude

Dear God, as I reflect on the past year, I am grateful for the blessings you have brought into my life. I am thankful for the lessons I've learned, the challenges I've overcome, and the loved ones who have been by my side.

Renewal and Refreshment

As I look to the new year, I pray for renewal and refreshment. Help me to let go of the things that no longer serve me and to welcome new opportunities and experiences. May I come to you with a clean heart and a renewed sense of purpose.

Wisdom and Guidance

God, I pray for wisdom and guidance as I navigate the unknowns of the new year. Help me to make decisions that align with your will and to trust in your plan for my life. May I be led by your Spirit and may your wisdom be my compass.

Courage and Strength

As I face new challenges and uncertainties, I pray for courage and strength. Help me to be brave and to trust in your ability to carry me through difficult times. May I be a light in the darkness and may your peace be my shelter.

Abundance and Provision

God, I pray for abundance and provision in the new year. May I be a good steward of the resources you have given me and may I use them to bless others. Help me to trust in your provision and to live generously.

Love and Connection

As I enter this new year, I pray for love and connection with others. May I be a source of joy and encouragement to those around me and may I cultivate deep and meaningful relationships. Help me to be a good friend, a loving partner, and a supportive family member.

Personal Growth and Development

God, I pray for personal growth and development in the new year. Help me to set goals that align with your will and to work towards them with diligence and perseverance. May I be a lifelong learner and may I continue to grow in wisdom, compassion, and faith.

Protection and Peace

As I look to the new year, I pray for protection and peace. Help me to stay grounded and centered in the midst of chaos and uncertainty. May I be a refuge for others and may your peace be my shelter.


Dear God, as I close this prayer, I commit to trusting in you and to following your lead in the new year. May I be a light in the darkness and may your love be my guide. Amen.

Remember, these prayers are just a starting point, and you can modify them to fit your personal needs and circumstances. Take time to reflect on what you're grateful for, what you're looking forward to, and what you're hoping to achieve in the new year.