New verbs

Here are some new verbs you might not know:

  1. Gallivant (verb): to travel from place to place, especially in a carefree and adventurous way.

Example: "We gallivanted across Europe for three weeks, visiting all the major cities."

  1. Snurfle (verb): to engage in a friendly and playful struggle or scuffle, often with someone you're close to.

Example: "My siblings and I snurfled on the couch, fighting over the remote control."

  1. Velleity (verb): to feel a mild or slight desire for something.

Example: "I velleity a slice of pizza, but I'm trying to diet."

  1. Gobemouche (verb): to be easily deceived or manipulated.

Example: "My friend was a gobemouche and fell for the scam, losing all his money."

  1. Thixotropy (verb): to change from a liquid to a solid when agitated or shaken, and then return to a liquid state when left still.

Example: "The paint exhibited thixotropy, making it difficult to mix and apply."

  1. Ultracrepidate (verb): to give opinions or advice on matters beyond one's knowledge or expertise.

Example: "The celebrity was ultracrepidating about politics, despite having no experience in the field."

  1. Selenite (verb): to form a bond or connection with someone or something.

Example: "The two friends selenite over their shared love of music."

  1. Gobemouche (verb): to be easily deceived or manipulated.

Example: "The politician was gobemouche by the fake news story and made a fool of himself."

  1. Thixotropy (verb): to change from a liquid to a solid when agitated or shaken, and then return to a liquid state when left still.

Example: "The mixture exhibited thixotropy, making it difficult to mix and apply."

  1. Ultracrepidate (verb): to give opinions or advice on matters beyond one's knowledge or expertise.

Example: "The celebrity was ultracrepidating about politics, despite having no experience in the field."

I hope you find these new verbs interesting and useful!