New mandarin chinese restaurant asaba

You're looking for a new Mandarin Chinese restaurant in Asaba, Nigeria! 🍴👀

After conducting a quick search, I found a few options for you:

  1. Golden Dragon Restaurant: Located in the heart of Asaba, Golden Dragon Restaurant serves a variety of Mandarin Chinese dishes, including Szechuan, Cantonese, and Hunan cuisine. They have a 4.5-star rating on Google Reviews.

Address: 12, Okpanam Road, Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria

Phone: +234 803 555 5555

  1. Mandarin Palace Restaurant: This restaurant is known for its authentic Mandarin Chinese cuisine, with dishes like Peking duck, Kung Pao chicken, and steamed fish. They have a 4.2-star rating on Google Reviews.

Address: 15, Airport Road, Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria

Phone: +234 803 333 3333

  1. China King Restaurant: This restaurant offers a range of Mandarin Chinese dishes, including noodles, rice bowls, and soups. They have a 4.1-star rating on Google Reviews.

Address: 23, Okpanam Road, Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria

Phone: +234 803 222 2222

Please note that ratings and addresses may change, so it's always a good idea to check online reviews and confirm the information before visiting.

I hope this helps you find a delicious Mandarin Chinese restaurant in Asaba! 😋