New every morning is the love

What a beautiful and profound statement! "New every morning is the love" is a phrase that speaks to the idea that love is a constant and ongoing process, rather than a one-time event or feeling.

It suggests that love is not something that can be contained or limited to a specific moment or experience, but rather it is a continuous and evolving process that requires effort and attention from both parties.

This phrase also implies that love is not something that can be taken for granted or assumed, but rather it must be nurtured and cultivated every day. It's a reminder that relationships require ongoing communication, empathy, and understanding in order to thrive.

Furthermore, "new every morning is the love" can also be seen as a metaphor for the way that love can be reborn and renewed every day. Just as the sun rises anew every morning, so too can our love and connection with others be revitalized and refreshed.

Overall, this phrase is a powerful reminder of the importance of prioritizing love and relationships in our lives, and of the need to continually nurture and cultivate them in order to keep them strong and healthy.