New ae

You're referring to the New Age movement!

The New Age movement is a spiritual and philosophical movement that emerged in the 1970s and 1980s. It's characterized by a focus on personal growth, self-awareness, and spiritual exploration. The movement emphasizes the importance of individual freedom, creativity, and self-expression.

Some common themes and practices associated with the New Age movement include:

  1. Holistic health and wellness: Emphasis on natural healing, meditation, and yoga.
  2. Spiritual exploration: Interest in various spiritual traditions, such as Eastern religions, mysticism, and occultism.
  3. Personal growth and self-awareness: Focus on developing emotional intelligence, intuition, and inner wisdom.
  4. New thought and consciousness: Exploration of new ideas and perspectives on reality, consciousness, and the nature of the universe.
  5. Environmentalism and social activism: Concern for the well-being of the planet and its inhabitants.

Some notable figures associated with the New Age movement include:

  1. Eckhart Tolle: Author of "The Power of Now" and "A New Earth".
  2. Deepak Chopra: Author and speaker on spirituality, wellness, and consciousness.
  3. Ram Dass: Author and spiritual teacher who popularized Eastern spirituality in the West.
  4. Shirley MacLaine: Actress and author who wrote about her spiritual experiences and explored various spiritual traditions.
  5. Louise Hay: Author and motivational speaker who focused on self-love, self-acceptance, and personal growth.

The New Age movement has had a significant impact on popular culture, influencing fields such as:

  1. Music: Genres like ambient, new age, and world music.
  2. Film and television: Movies and shows that explore spiritual themes and alternative realities.
  3. Literature: Novels and non-fiction books that explore spirituality, consciousness, and personal growth.
  4. Wellness and self-help: The rise of yoga, meditation, and holistic health practices.

While the New Age movement has its critics, it has also inspired many people to explore their spirituality, seek personal growth, and cultivate a deeper connection with themselves and the world around them.