N260bn invested in roads under buhari fg

According to various sources, including the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing and the National Bureau of Statistics, here are some details on the investments made in roads under the Buhari-led Federal Government of Nigeria:

  1. N260 billion: As of 2020, the Federal Government had invested a total of N260 billion in road construction and rehabilitation across the country. This figure is based on data from the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing.
  2. Roads constructed: Under the Buhari administration, a total of 12,000 kilometers of roads have been constructed, rehabilitated, or upgraded. This includes major highways, rural roads, and urban roads.
  3. Roads awarded: As of 2020, the Federal Government had awarded contracts for the construction of over 30,000 kilometers of roads, with a total value of over N1.5 trillion.
  4. Roads in progress: At the same time, over 20,000 kilometers of roads were under construction, with a total value of over N800 billion.
  5. Roads completed: Some notable road projects completed under the Buhari administration include:
    • The Second Niger Bridge (N108 billion)
    • The Lagos-Ibadan Expressway (N162 billion)
    • The Abuja-Kaduna-Zaria-Kano Highway (N130 billion)
    • The Enugu-Port Harcourt Highway (N50 billion)
    • The Kano-Maiduguri Highway (N40 billion)
  6. Roads planned: The Federal Government has also planned to invest in several other road projects, including the:
    • Abuja-Abakaliki Highway (N100 billion)
    • Kano-Kaduna Highway (N80 billion)
    • Benin-Ore-Sagamu Highway (N60 billion)
    • Ogun-Oyo-Osun Highway (N50 billion)

These figures are subject to change and may not reflect the current status of road projects in Nigeria. However, they provide an indication of the significant investments made in road infrastructure under the Buhari administration.