Must watch dino melaye features music video

Dino Melaye is a Nigerian politician and former senator, but I'm assuming you're referring to his music career. As a former musician, Dino Melaye has released several songs, but I'll provide you with a list of some of his most popular and must-watch music videos:

  1. "Aye" (2017) - This is one of Dino's most popular songs, and the music video features him performing the song in a lavish setting with beautiful women and expensive cars.
  2. "Walahi" (2018) - This song is a fusion of Afrobeats and hip-hop, and the music video showcases Dino's energetic dance moves and his signature style.
  3. "Aja Aja" (2019) - This song is a high-energy track with a catchy chorus, and the music video features Dino performing the song with a group of dancers and models.
  4. "Kokoma" (2019) - This song is a slow jam with a romantic vibe, and the music video features Dino singing and dancing with a beautiful woman.
  5. "Oyoyo" (2020) - This song is a fun, upbeat track with a catchy hook, and the music video features Dino performing the song with a group of friends and dancing in the streets.

Please note that these music videos may not be available on all platforms or in all regions due to copyright restrictions. However, you can try searching for them on YouTube or other music streaming platforms to see if they're available.