Mugabe never made mistakes says zimbabwe president mnangagwa

I think there may be some irony or even a bit of sarcasm in this statement.

Emmerson Mnangagwa, the current President of Zimbabwe, has been known to have a complicated history with Robert Mugabe, his predecessor and former mentor. Mugabe was the President of Zimbabwe from 1980 to 2017, and his rule was marked by human rights abuses, economic mismanagement, and authoritarianism.

It's highly unlikely that Mnangagwa would publicly say that Mugabe never made mistakes, given the widespread criticism and condemnation of Mugabe's regime during his time in power. In fact, Mnangagwa himself was a key figure in Mugabe's government and was accused of being involved in human rights abuses and political repression.

It's possible that Mnangagwa was being sarcastic or ironic in his statement, or that it was taken out of context. Alternatively, it could be a sign of Mnangagwa's attempts to distance himself from Mugabe's legacy and present himself as a more moderate and reform-minded leader.

In any case, it's worth noting that Mugabe's rule was marked by many significant mistakes and human rights abuses, and it's unlikely that anyone would seriously argue that he never made any mistakes.