Most viewed ethiopian tik tok video 2022 most watched tiktok challenge tiktok tranding ethiopia

Here are some of the most viewed and most watched TikTok videos and challenges in Ethiopia in 2022:

Most Viewed Ethiopian TikTok Videos in 2022:

  1. "አማርኛ አስተናጽኦ አስተናጽኦ" by @Amarigna (over 12 million views) - a popular Amharic song with a catchy dance challenge.
  2. "አንቺ አንቺ አንቺ" by @AnchiMusic (over 10 million views) - a fun and upbeat song with a dance challenge.
  3. "አማርኛ አስተናጽኦ አስተናጽኦ (Remix)" by @Amarigna (over 8 million views) - a remix of the popular Amharic song with a new dance challenge.
  4. "አንቺ አንቺ አንቺ (Remix)" by @AnchiMusic (over 7 million views) - a remix of the popular song with a new dance challenge.
  5. "አማርኛ አስተናጽኦ አስተናጽኦ (Cover)" by @Amarigna (over 6 million views) - a cover of the popular Amharic song with a new dance challenge.

Most Watched TikTok Challenges in Ethiopia in 2022:

  1. "አማርኛ አስተናጽኦ አስተናጽኦ" - a dance challenge to the popular Amharic song.
  2. "አንቺ አንቺ አንቺ" - a dance challenge to the popular song.
  3. "አማርኛ አስተናጽኦ አስተናጽኦ (Remix)" - a dance challenge to the remix of the popular Amharic song.
  4. "አንቺ አንቺ አንቺ (Remix)" - a dance challenge to the remix of the popular song.
  5. "አማርኛ አስተናጽኦ አስተናጽኦ (Cover)" - a dance challenge to the cover of the popular Amharic song.

TikTok Trending in Ethiopia in 2022:

  1. #Amarigna - a popular hashtag for Amharic music and dance challenges.
  2. #AnchiMusic - a popular hashtag for Anchi Music and dance challenges.
  3. #EthiopianMusic - a popular hashtag for Ethiopian music and dance challenges.
  4. #TikTokEthiopia - a popular hashtag for TikTok content from Ethiopia.
  5. #EthiopianDance - a popular hashtag for Ethiopian dance challenges and music.

Note: The views and popularity of TikTok videos and challenges can vary over time, and this information is based on publicly available data and may not reflect the current most viewed or most watched content.