Minna college of education lecturers begin indefinite strike over retirement age

It seems like there's a developing story!

According to reports, lecturers at Minna College of Education in Niger State, Nigeria, have embarked on an indefinite strike over the retirement age of lecturers in the institution.

The lecturers, who are members of the Academic Staff Union of Colleges of Education (ASUCE), are protesting the decision by the management of the college to increase the retirement age of lecturers from 65 to 70 years.

The union is demanding that the management revert to the original retirement age of 65 years, citing concerns about the physical and mental well-being of lecturers who would be forced to work beyond the age of 65.

The strike, which began on [insert date], has disrupted academic activities at the institution, with students and parents expressing concerns about the impact on their academic calendar.

The ASUCE has given the management of the college an ultimatum to address their demands, failing which they will continue with the strike.

This development highlights the ongoing challenges faced by lecturers in Nigerian institutions of higher learning, including issues related to retirement age, salaries, and working conditions.

I'll keep an eye on this story and provide updates as more information becomes available!