Mh17 trial can continue despite absent suspects say judges

The trial of the suspects in the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 can continue despite the absence of several key defendants, according to a ruling by the Dutch judges presiding over the case.

The trial, which began in March 2020, is being held at the District Court of Schiphol, Netherlands, and is focused on the downing of the plane on July 17, 2014, which killed all 298 people on board. The prosecution has accused three Russian nationals and one Ukrainian national of being responsible for the attack.

However, two of the key defendants, Igor Girkin and Sergey Dubinskiy, have failed to appear in court, citing health reasons and travel restrictions. The other two defendants, Oleg Pulatov and Leonid Kharchenko, are in custody and are attending the trial.

In a ruling issued on Wednesday, the judges said that the trial can continue despite the absence of Girkin and Dubinskiy, as the prosecution has presented sufficient evidence to proceed.

"The court has carefully considered the circumstances and has concluded that the trial can continue," the judges said in a statement. "The prosecution has presented a large amount of evidence, including witness statements, expert reports, and documentary evidence, which provides a clear picture of the events surrounding the downing of MH17."

The judges also noted that Girkin and Dubinskiy had been informed of the trial dates and had been given the opportunity to participate remotely, but had failed to do so.

The trial is expected to continue for several more weeks, with the prosecution presenting its final arguments and the defense presenting its case. The judges are expected to deliver their verdict in the coming months.

The downing of MH17 was a major international incident, and the trial has been closely watched by governments and families of the victims around the world. The prosecution has accused the Russian military of being responsible for the attack, which was carried out using a Buk surface-to-air missile system. Russia has denied any involvement in the attack.