Mayor of new york salary

The Mayor of New York City is the chief executive of the city and is responsible for overseeing the city's government and administration. The Mayor is elected by the voters of New York City for a four-year term.

As of 2022, the salary of the Mayor of New York City is $258,000 per year. This is a relatively high salary compared to other mayors in the United States, and is one of the highest mayoral salaries in the country.

Here is a breakdown of the Mayor's salary:

It's worth noting that the Mayor's salary is set by the New York City Charter, which is the city's constitution. The charter sets the salary for the Mayor and other city officials, and it is reviewed and updated periodically by the City Council.

Here are some historical salary figures for the Mayor of New York City:

It's also worth noting that the Mayor's salary is not the only compensation they receive. The Mayor also receives a range of benefits, including: