Market research report for new product launch

Here is a sample market research report for a new product launch:

Executive Summary

Our company is launching a new product, [Product Name], a [briefly describe the product and its features]. The purpose of this market research report is to provide an overview of the market, identify target customers, and analyze the competitive landscape to inform our product launch strategy.

Market Overview

The [industry/market] is a growing market with a projected value of [market size] by [year]. The market is driven by [key drivers] and is expected to continue growing at a rate of [growth rate] over the next [time period].

Target Market

Our target market is [demographics, psychographics, and behavior] with a focus on [specific segments]. We have identified [number] of potential customers who are likely to be interested in our product.

Competitive Landscape

The competitive landscape is [briefly describe the competitive landscape, including major players and their market share]. Our product will differentiate itself from the competition through [unique features and benefits].

Product Positioning

Our product will be positioned as [briefly describe the product positioning, including the unique value proposition and target audience]. We believe that our product will appeal to [specific segments] who are looking for [specific benefits].

Marketing Strategy

Our marketing strategy will focus on [briefly describe the marketing strategy, including channels, tactics, and budget]. We will use [specific marketing channels] to reach our target audience and drive awareness and interest in our product.

Product Launch Plan

Our product launch plan includes [briefly describe the product launch plan, including the launch date, marketing activities, and sales strategy]. We will launch our product on [launch date] and will use [specific marketing activities] to drive awareness and interest.

Financial Projections

We project that our product will generate [revenue] in the first year, with a growth rate of [growth rate] over the next [time period]. Our projected costs include [briefly describe the projected costs, including production, marketing, and sales].


Our market research report has provided valuable insights into the market, target customers, and competitive landscape. We believe that our product has the potential to be successful in the market and we are confident that our marketing and sales strategy will help us achieve our goals.


Based on our research, we recommend that we:


This is just a sample report, and you may need to include additional sections or modify the existing ones to fit your specific needs.