Literary agents seeking new authors

Here are some literary agents seeking new authors across various genres:


  1. Andrea Brown Literary Agency (Children's and Young Adult Fiction): Seeking new authors for middle grade and young adult fiction.
  2. The Knight Agency (Romance, Mystery, Thriller, and Science Fiction): Looking for new authors in these genres.
  3. Inkwell Management (Literary Fiction, Mystery, Thriller, and Science Fiction): Seeking new authors for adult fiction.
  4. The Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency (Children's and Young Adult Fiction): Looking for new authors for picture books, middle grade, and young adult fiction.
  5. The Stuart Krichevsky Literary Agency (Literary Fiction, Mystery, Thriller, and Science Fiction): Seeking new authors for adult fiction.


  1. The Gernert Company (Non-Fiction): Looking for new authors for memoirs, narrative non-fiction, and essays.
  2. The Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary Agency (Non-Fiction): Seeking new authors for memoirs, narrative non-fiction, and essays.
  3. The Wylie Agency (Non-Fiction): Looking for new authors for memoirs, narrative non-fiction, and essays.
  4. The Folio Literary Management (Non-Fiction): Seeking new authors for memoirs, narrative non-fiction, and essays.
  5. The Dunow, Carlson & Lerner Literary Agency (Non-Fiction): Looking for new authors for memoirs, narrative non-fiction, and essays.


  1. The Alice James Books (Poetry): Seeking new authors for poetry collections.
  2. The Copper Canyon Press (Poetry): Looking for new authors for poetry collections.
  3. The Four Way Books (Poetry): Seeking new authors for poetry collections.
  4. The Graywolf Press (Poetry): Looking for new authors for poetry collections.
  5. The Tupelo Press (Poetry): Seeking new authors for poetry collections.

Children's Books

  1. The Pippin Properties (Children's Books): Looking for new authors for picture books, middle grade, and young adult fiction.
  2. The The Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency (Children's and Young Adult Fiction): Seeking new authors for picture books, middle grade, and young adult fiction.
  3. The The Knight Agency (Children's and Young Adult Fiction): Looking for new authors for picture books, middle grade, and young adult fiction.
  4. The The Stuart Krichevsky Literary Agency (Children's and Young Adult Fiction): Seeking new authors for picture books, middle grade, and young adult fiction.
  5. The The Andrea Brown Literary Agency (Children's and Young Adult Fiction): Looking for new authors for picture books, middle grade, and young adult fiction.

Please note that these are just a few examples of literary agents seeking new authors. It's essential to research each agent's specific submission guidelines and genres they represent before submitting your work. Additionally, make sure to query multiple agents and be prepared for rejections.