Libya news and views

Here are some recent news and views on Libya:


  1. Libya's National Oil Corporation (NOC) reports a significant increase in oil production: The NOC announced that Libya's oil production has increased to 1.2 million barrels per day (bpd), up from 1.1 million bpd in June. This is a significant improvement from the 700,000 bpd production level seen in May. (Source: Reuters)
  2. Libya's parliament approves a new government: The Libyan parliament has approved a new government, led by Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh, which is tasked with stabilizing the country and addressing its economic and security challenges. (Source: Al Jazeera)
  3. Tensions rise between Libya's rival governments: The internationally recognized government in Tripoli and the eastern-based government in Benghazi have accused each other of violating a ceasefire agreement, raising concerns about a potential escalation of violence. (Source: BBC News)


  1. The Libya crisis is a test for the international community: In an op-ed for The Guardian, analyst Ahmed Elumami argues that the international community must take a more active role in resolving the crisis in Libya, which has been plagued by conflict and instability since the fall of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011.
  2. Libya's oil wealth is a curse, not a blessing: In an article for Foreign Policy, journalist and author, Mattia Toaldo, argues that Libya's oil wealth has been a curse for the country, fueling corruption and conflict rather than promoting economic development and stability.
  3. The role of foreign powers in Libya's conflict: In a piece for Al Jazeera, analyst Mohamed Eljarh argues that foreign powers, including the United States, Turkey, and Egypt, have played a significant role in fueling the conflict in Libya, and that their interests must be taken into account in any efforts to resolve the crisis.


  1. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Libya's economy: In a report for the International Crisis Group, analysts argue that the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated Libya's economic crisis, which was already severe due to the conflict and oil price volatility.
  2. The security situation in Libya: In a report for the Soufan Center, analysts provide an overview of the security situation in Libya, highlighting the ongoing conflict between rival militias and the challenges facing the government in stabilizing the country.


  1. Libya needs a new approach to security: In an op-ed for The New York Times, analyst and former US diplomat, William Roebuck, argues that Libya needs a new approach to security, one that focuses on building trust and cooperation between rival factions rather than relying on military force.
  2. The EU must do more to support Libya's stability: In an article for EurActiv, analyst and former EU official, Lorenzo Natali, argues that the European Union must do more to support Libya's stability, including providing economic assistance and promoting dialogue between rival factions.

I hope this provides a good overview of the current news and views on Libya!