Latest news on zenith bank

Here are some of the latest news and updates on Zenith Bank:

Recent News

  1. Zenith Bank Reports N737.2 Billion Profit in 2022: Zenith Bank Plc has announced its audited financial results for the year ended December 31, 2022, with a profit before tax of N737.2 billion, representing a growth of 13.4% from N651.2 billion in 2021. (Source: BusinessDay)
  2. Zenith Bank Wins Best Bank in Nigeria Award: Zenith Bank has been awarded the Best Bank in Nigeria by the Global Finance Magazine, a leading international financial publication. (Source: ThisDay)
  3. Zenith Bank Launches Digital Banking Platform: Zenith Bank has launched a digital banking platform, Zenith Bank Mobile App, which allows customers to perform various banking transactions, including bill payments, fund transfers, and account management. (Source: Vanguard)
  4. Zenith Bank Partners with Mastercard to Launch Contactless Payment Solution: Zenith Bank has partnered with Mastercard to launch a contactless payment solution, allowing customers to make payments without the need for cash or cards. (Source: The Guardian)
  5. Zenith Bank Appoints New Group Managing Director: Zenith Bank has appointed Ebenezer Onyeagwu as its new Group Managing Director, effective from March 1, 2023. (Source: Leadership)

Recent Developments

  1. Zenith Bank's Share Price Rises by 10%: The share price of Zenith Bank has risen by 10% in the past week, driven by strong earnings and a positive outlook for the bank. (Source: Nairametrics)
  2. Zenith Bank's Loan Book Grows by 15%: Zenith Bank's loan book has grown by 15% in the past year, driven by strong demand for credit from customers. (Source: BusinessDay)
  3. Zenith Bank's Customer Base Grows by 20%: Zenith Bank's customer base has grown by 20% in the past year, driven by the bank's expansion into new markets and its focus on customer service. (Source: Vanguard)

Recent Awards and Recognition

  1. Zenith Bank Wins Best Bank in Nigeria Award: Zenith Bank has been awarded the Best Bank in Nigeria by the Global Finance Magazine, a leading international financial publication. (Source: ThisDay)
  2. Zenith Bank Wins Best Digital Bank in Nigeria Award: Zenith Bank has been awarded the Best Digital Bank in Nigeria by the Digital Banker, a leading digital banking publication. (Source: BusinessDay)
  3. Zenith Bank Wins Best Corporate Governance Award: Zenith Bank has been awarded the Best Corporate Governance Award by the Nigerian Stock Exchange, in recognition of its strong corporate governance practices. (Source: Vanguard)

Please note that the news and updates provided are subject to change and may not be up-to-date. It is always a good idea to check with the bank's official website or other reliable sources for the latest information.