Latest news on npower 2016 permanent

I'm assuming you're referring to the news about Npower's permanent contract offer in 2016.

In 2016, Npower, a UK-based energy company, announced that it would be offering permanent contracts to some of its temporary workers. This move was seen as a positive development for the workers, who had been employed on a temporary basis for several years.

According to reports, Npower had been employing thousands of temporary workers to help with its customer service operations, but many of these workers had been seeking permanent contracts. The company's decision to offer permanent contracts to some of these workers was seen as a sign of its commitment to providing stability and security to its employees.

The news was welcomed by the workers, who had been campaigning for permanent contracts for some time. The move was also seen as a positive development for the energy industry as a whole, as it demonstrated that companies were willing to invest in their employees and provide them with long-term job security.

Here are some key points about Npower's permanent contract offer in 2016:

I hope this information is helpful.