Kwara state new logo

You're referring to the newly introduced logo of Kwara State in Nigeria!

The new logo was unveiled in 2020 as part of the state government's efforts to rebrand and reposition Kwara State for economic and cultural development. The logo is a modern and dynamic design that reflects the state's rich cultural heritage and its aspirations for growth and progress.

Here's a breakdown of the logo's design elements:

  1. The Yoruba Adire Cloth Pattern: The logo features a stylized pattern inspired by the traditional Yoruba Adire cloth, which is a symbol of the state's cultural identity. The Adire cloth is known for its vibrant colors and intricate designs, which reflect the state's rich cultural heritage.
  2. The Peacock: The peacock is a prominent feature of the logo, representing the state's beauty, elegance, and pride. The peacock is also a symbol of creativity, wisdom, and prosperity, which are values that the state government seeks to promote.
  3. The Colors: The logo features a bold and vibrant color scheme, with shades of blue, green, and yellow. The blue represents the state's sky and its aspirations for a brighter future, while the green represents the state's lush vegetation and its commitment to environmental sustainability. The yellow represents the state's sunshine and its warm hospitality.
  4. The Font: The logo features a custom-designed font that is modern, bold, and easy to read. The font is inspired by traditional Yoruba script and reflects the state's cultural heritage.

Overall, the new logo of Kwara State is a modern and dynamic design that reflects the state's rich cultural heritage and its aspirations for growth and progress.