Kisumu all stars pose greater danger than kpl title contenders mathare uniteds kimani

I think there may be a bit of a misunderstanding here!

Kisumu All Stars is a Kenyan football club that plays in the National Super League, which is the second-tier league in Kenya. Mathare United, on the other hand, is a Kenyan football club that plays in the Kenyan Premier League (KPL), which is the top-tier league in Kenya.

Kimani is a player who plays for Mathare United, not a team.

So, it's not possible for Kisumu All Stars to pose a greater danger than Mathare United's Kimani, as Kimani is a player, not a team. Additionally, Mathare United is a KPL team, while Kisumu All Stars is a National Super League team, so they are in different leagues and don't compete directly.

If you meant to ask a different question, please feel free to rephrase it, and I'll do my best to help!